Using Yalc to Test Node Packages Locally

Testing Node.js packages locally can be challenging, especially when working with dependencies like React components. While npm link is a common approach, it often leads to complications, such as the invalid hook call issue. An effective alternative is using Yalc, a tool designed for a smoother and more reliable local package management process.

Setting Up Yalc for Local Testing

Yalc allows us to work with two projects: the package we’re developing (package-project) and the main project that depends on it (main-project). This guide will walk us through setting up Yalc for efficient local testing.

1. Installing Yalc Globally

Start by installing Yalc on the system:

npm install -g yalc

2. Publishing Package

Within the package-project directory, publish package using:

yalc publish

This command considers the name set in package-project's package.json.

3. Linking the Package to the Main Project

First, ensure main-project does not have the package-project as an installed dependency. If it does, remove it:

npm uninstall [package_name]

Then, link the package using:

yalc add [package_name>]

Remember, [package_name] is the name defined in package-project’s package.json. If the package has additional dependencies, install them in main-project:

npm install

4. Iterating on the Package

After making changes in package-project, re-publish the package:

yalc publish

To reflect these changes in main-project, update the package:

yalc update [package_name]

5. Troubleshooting Common Issues

In Next.js Projects If main-project does not reflect changes from package-project, try:

To reflect these changes in main-project, update the package:

yalc update [package_name]


Yalc provides a method for testing Node.js packages locally as an alternative to npm link.

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